Deadly Accidents Involving Semi-Trucks on the 134 in Glendale CA

The morning rush starts earlier and earlier in Glendale. That means even drivers out before daylight have to be extremely cautious of the other motorists out on the roads. That is especially true when drivers are traveling around large semi-trucks.

Truck drivers can veer across dividing lines any time of day. They can also be driving while distracted by cell phones or laptops. A truck driver can be extra drowsy in the early morning hours and be much less likely to slow down or stop for traffic.

A small mistake can lead to a major collision that puts occupants in smaller vehicles at risk of life-threatening injuries.

Fatal Semi-Truck Accident on Hwy 134 in Glendale

Lights on highway at night.One person was tragically killed in a collision between a car and a semi-truck in Glendale early Tuesday morning. ABC7-TV reports the impact occurred shortly before 5 a.m. on Highway 134 near downtown on April 2, 2024.

Investigators say a truck driver struck a sedan in the westbound lanes of the 134 just before the Glendale Avenue exit. The person inside the car was killed.  Helicopter video from the scene showed a small white car struck on its driver’s side.

California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers did not release any more information on how the accident occurred. The CHP continues to look into the circumstances surrounding the crash.

Securing Assistance for Southern California Car Accident Victims and Their Families

Families who lose a loved one must deal with an extremely difficult emotional blow. And these victimized families may also face economic issues as well.

They could face ambulance and other emergency response fees. They’ll have to pay funeral and burial costs. They’ll also have to face life without the guidance and financial support the deceased can no longer provide.

These hardships and others must be included in a wrongful death claim filed against an at-fault truck driver’s accident insurance company. The driver’s employer, such as a trucking company or a large retailer like Walmart, will also have large insurance policies that can be called upon to help.

However, insurers won’t provide this support automatically. Families may need the help of a Glendale Truck Accident Lawyer to make sure they receive the most in support possible from unhelpful insurance companies.

Contact a Glendale Truck Accident Lawyer

After you or a loved one are the victims of a careless truck driver, don’t trust insurance companies to treat you or your family fairly. Discuss your options with a skilled truck accident attorney serving Glendale and families across Southern California.

Contact the attorneys at Quirk Accident & Injury Attorneys, APC for a confidential and free consultation and case analysis. We want to learn more about how the loss of a loved one has impacted your life. If you retain us to represent you for your car accident case, you won’t need any money right now. We don’t get paid unless we win your case for your family. Then our fee comes out of the money a truck insurance company must provide.