As people get older, they are often less capable of taking care of themselves and managing their own affairs. This condition puts them is a position where they could be vulnerable to many different forms of abuse. A Santa Monica elder abuse attorney can help you with any legal issues that may result from a situation where a dependent adult is being abused.
What is elder abuse?
There are many different types of elder abuse and they can all be damaging in their own way. To better help people understand elder abuse, here is a list of a few of the more common types of abuse.
- Physical abuse: This is where the abuser is intentionally inflicting pain upon the elder individual.
- Financial exploitation: This covers a range of different forms of financial abuse. It could be taking money or property from the person, scamming them in any number of ways or stealing their identity.
- Neglect: When a caregiver fails to provide for the needs of a senior in their care, it can be a dangerous to the health of the individual and it may even rise to the level of a criminal offense.
- Psychological abuse: There are many different forms of psychological and emotional abuse that can be used against an elder that is vulnerable to abuse. It can be verbal abuse, unlawful confinement or the use of fear and intimidation.
Reporting elder abuse
Whenever a person becomes aware that someone is being abused, they have an obligation to report it to the authorities. While the moral imperative and concern for the life and safety of the individual should be enough incentive for people to act, many people do fail to report these offenses when they occur. However, if your conscience is not enough to get you to act, there are laws that demand action from those who are aware of abuse and a failure to report can result in criminal charges.
If you believe that a senior citizen is being abused, you can contact the police, the California Department of Justice or Adult Protective Services to report the offense and to get additional assistance with preventing elder abuse. A personal injury lawyer may also be able to help you with many of the legal issues that arise in a claim for elder abuse.
Elder abuse and personal injury law
The Quirk Law Group handles elder abuse cases that are connected with all forms of abuse. We understand that these claims can be very sensitive for the victims and our Santa Monica elder abuse attorneys are here to protect your rights through a situation that can be both complex and emotional.