The city of San Diego offers some great public transportation options to its residents and visitors. Occasionally, people are hurt when they use public transportation and the injuries can be quite serious. With a San Diego public transportation injury attorney, you can seek compensation for your losses and possibly obtain some level of justice.
Government entity or private business
Most public transportation providers are run either by government entities or by private businesses. When it comes to public transportation injury litigation, the difference between a government entity and a private business can affect the claim. While many of the same rules and standards do apply to both, there are some differences in how the two are regulated. Additionally, the rules for filing a lawsuit against the government are also different.
Typically, filing a claim against a government entity will have procedures that are a little more strict and often more difficult to navigate. The claimant will have a shorter period of time to notify the agency of the claim and there may be a lower cap on the level of compensation that can be recovered. Your personal injury lawyer will need to be well versed in the differences between the two. A failure to comply with the necessary rules can have some serious consequences for the claim.
Contact us
The professionals at the Quirk Law Group take claims for public transportation injuries whether they are against a government entity or a private business. We can handle claims for everything from train accidents to bus injuries, taxicab crashes and more. Come meet with our team if you want the assurance that comes with having an experienced San Diego public transportation injury attorney on your side.